
1) Parents from two different species mate and produce a fertileoffspring with a polyploid chromosome number. This is called


allopatric speciation


mutation selection


2)A monophyletic group would be best described as:

a grouping of most, but not all, species descended from a commonancestor

a grouping of all species descended from a common ancestor,including that ancestor

a grouping of all species descended from a common ancestor,excluding that ancestor

a grouping of all species that share a similar set of traits,regardless of whether the traits are homologous or analogous

3) Vicariance refers to:

a pattern of speciation whereby new species evolve reproductiveisolation in sympatry

a kind of speciation where a small group of colonists founds apopulation on an island habitat

a pattern of speciation in which a population is subdivided by ageographical barrier

a technique for constructing phylogenetic trees based onsynapomorphies

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Irving Heathcote
Irving HeathcoteLv2
30 Sep 2019

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