
Question 1

  1. A moderate increase in extracellular potassium will

Increase heart rate due to a more negative EK

Decrease heart rate due to a more negative EK

Increase heart rate due to a less negative EK

Decrease heart rate due to a less negative EK

Question 2

  1. Apply Atropin will directly

Decrease parasympathetic innervation and increase heart rate

Increase parasympathetic innervation and decrease heart rate

Decrease sympathetic innervation and increase heart rate

Increase sympathetic innervation and decrease heart rate

Frog ECG is recorded using

An electrical stimulator

Three wires including the one that is connected to the hook

A force transducer

Three wires and a force transducer

Question 4

  1. How would you differentiate atrial contractions fromventricular contractions?


Observe the heart beating and tap the table to label it


From the size of the contractions


Correlate it with the electrical trace, if the electrical traceis typical.


Both A and C

Question 5

  1. In this week's experiment, _________signal(s) will be recordedto study the frog cardiac functions.

mechanical (contractile)

electrical (ECG)

both mechanical and electrical

blood flow

Question 6

  1. In this week's experiment, the heart is hooked at the________

either atrium or ventricle







Question 8

  1. The frog heart can be slowed or stopped by over stimulation ofthe vagus nerve. When apply ACh to the heart, if the frog heartstop beating, you should

Wash the heart with warm Ringers

Apply a few drops of Isuprel

Massage the heart

All of the above

Observe the trace and do nothing

Question 9

  1. The pacemaker in the frog heart is the __________ and thepacemaker in the mammalian heart is the ________

AV, SA node

SV, SA node

SA, SV node

SA, SA node

Question 10

  1. Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding the frogheart

There is no autorhythmic cells found in the frog ventricle.

Oxygenated and deoxygenated blood are mixed completely insidethe frog ventricle

There are two atria and two ventricles.

Deoxygenated blood flows to the frog lungs and skin.

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Sixta Kovacek
Sixta KovacekLv2
28 Sep 2019
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