31 Mar 2018

27. In Lab 1 you read Brandt and Mahsberg's (2002) article on the dust coats and backpacks of the nymphs of West African assassin bugs. There were three groups of nymphs for most of the experiments: backpack nymphs = nymphs with backpacks and dust coats; dust cout nymphs = nymphs with dust coats only; and naked nymphs = nymphs without the backpack and dust coat. Which of the following best supports the hypothesis that the nymphs' backpack and dust coat help them to hide from their prey? a Backpack nymphs survived significantly longer than dust coat nymphs and naked nymphs when they were exposed to spiders. b. Backpack nymphs and dust coat nymphs survived significantly more often than naked nymphs when they were exposed to Dorylus ants. c. There was no significant difference in the frequency of attacks by Camponotus ants to dust coat nymphs and backpack nymphs. d. There was no significant difference in the amount of time that backpack nymphs, dust coat nymphs, and naked nymphs were active.

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Nelly Stracke
Nelly StrackeLv2
1 Apr 2018

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