
The middle of the last century was a time of great confidencein science and medicine. The introduction of antibiotics in the1940s and a lengthening list of vaccine for preventing numerousdieases caused many medical experts to declare a victory. For ashort time, there was a sense that infectious diseases were goingto be completely manageable. But this optimistic viewpoint was on acollision course with a vast army of very tiny invaders that areeverywhere-namely, microorganisms. Based on recent reseach,worldwide death toll of infectious disease is approximately 13milion people per year.

Account for one of the catastrophic microbial diseases thatterrorized poeple for a period of time. Use any applicable diseasefrom the biblical time until recent and even current time.

Include the following in your posting: Name of the selectedmicrobial disease, the causative agent of infection,characteristics of the disease, vaccine availability, and methodsof treatment, if applicable. In addition to Epidemiology andetiology of the disease and historical events related to thisdisease.

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Jarrod Robel
Jarrod RobelLv2
30 Sep 2019

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