
Cell Biology (#1-5)

1) What does a non-synonymous DNA mutation cause?

a) No amino acid change

b) A change in the reading frame of the mRNA

c) The substitution of an amino acid

d) Creates a premature termination codon

e) All of the above

2) What does a non-sense DNA mutation cause?

a) No amino acid change b) Alters the normal reading frame of the mRNA

c) The substitution of an amino acid

d) Creates a premature termination codon

e) All of the above

3) If you sequence the genome of 100 cells from different tissues of the same multicellular organism. How do you expect the sequences to be?

a) 10% identical c)100% identical

b) 50% identical d) 100% different e) will depend on the tissue selected

4) Multicellular organisms are comprised of a variety of cells with different morphologies and different functions. Which is the underlying mechanism that leads to the generation of diverse cell in one organism?

a) The expression of all genes in all cell types

b) The duplication of the genome in certain cell types

c) The elimination of specific group of genes from different cell types

d) The differential expression of particular sets of genes requires for a particular cellular phenotype

e) All of the above

5)You are growing bacteria which can use lactose and glucose. The culture medium has lactose, which induces transcription of the enzymes required to use lactose. If you add glucose to the medium. What do you expect to happen?

a) The bacteria will keep using lactose

b) The bacteria will shut down the Lac operon and use glucose

c) The bacteria will stop growing

d) The bacteria will die

e) The bacteria will use both lactose and glucose

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Hubert Koch
Hubert KochLv2
28 Sep 2019
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