
Suppose a family friend has recently given birth to a boy. Through neonatal metabolic screening, the baby has been diagnosed with medium chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (MCADD). Neither parent has this disorder. The doctor explained MCADD to your friend, but she was upset by the diagnosis and found it hard to concentrate during the doctor’s explanation. Knowing that you’re studying biochemistry, your friend has asked you a few questions about her child’s disorder:

1. What causes this disorder?

2. The doctor said we should not let the baby go for a long time without feeding. why? What happens if he doesn't feed fo a long time?

3. If we have another baby, what are the chances that our second child will also have the disorder?

Write answers to these questions that briefly explain in layman’s terms the genetic cause of MCADD and the biochemical consequences of a fast in individuals with this disorder. When considering the biochemical consequences, focus on metabolic pathways discussed in this course. Go into only as much detail as needed to answer the mother’s questions, and remember to use language that a non-scientist can understand.

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Nelly Stracke
Nelly StrackeLv2
28 Sep 2019
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