
indicate whether you think the statements are true or false, and explain your reasoning. In each of your answers, provide 1-2 specific examples that support your position. (Each of your four answers is worth five points):

A) Memory cells require fewer distinct signals to be activated than naïve cells require.

B) Both B cells and T cells undergo ‘clonal selection’ after they are activated by antigen.

C) A B cell is only able to present antigen to a T cell that includes the epitope to which the

B cell’s receptor bound.

D) T cells can recognize peptide antigens in the context of MHC I and MHC II regardless of

whether they are Thelper or Tcytotoxic cells.

E) B cells and T cells can both still make productive antigen receptors via V(D)J

recombination even if no P-nucleotides are introduced during the process.

F) Allelic exclusion takes place when a naïve T or B cell encounters its specific non-self antigen for the first time and determines whether or not to become activated.

G) B cells have more chances to make a productively rearranged antigen receptor than T cells do.

H) A majority of immature T cells developing in the thymus will survive both positive and negative selection.

I) The reason why T cells are the only type of white blood cell that requires maturation in a specialized organ outside the bone marrow is because they are the only ones that must have antigen processed and presented to them before they can be activated.

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Tod Thiel
Tod ThielLv2
28 Sep 2019
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