
Recap/Brush up: What is the difference between Mitosis andMeiosis? For simplicity, assume that the division of nuclei isfollowed by cell division (M-phase contain cytokinesis).

Note: if this is for a prep, then drawing a roster or gridmatrix may be helpful for answering and learning.

In Mitosis, the number of chromosomes(remains unchanged, isdivided in half, is duplicated); in Meiosis it is (remainsunchanged, is divided in half, is duplicated)

Cells resulting from Mitosis have (twice the, the same, halfthe) number of gene sets of the predecessor cell; cells resultingfrom Meiosis have (twice the, the same, half the) number of genesets of the predecessor cell.

Cells resulting from Mitosis (twice the, the same, half the)number of Loci of the predecessor cell; cells resulting fromMeiosis have (twice the, the same, half the) number ofLoci of thepredecessor cell.

If the the predecessor cell is diploid, then cells resultingfrom Mitosis (are haploid, are triploid, are diploid, cannotoccur); cells resulting from Meiosis (are haploid, are triploid,are diploid, cannot occur).

If the the predecessor cell is haploid, then cells resultingfrom Mitosis (are haploid, are triploid, are diploid, cannotoccur); cells resulting from Meiosis (are haploid, are triploid,are diploid, cannot occur).

If the the predecessor cell is triploid, then cells resultingfrom Mitosis (are haploid, are triploid, are diploid, cannotoccur); cells resulting from Meiosis (are haploid, are triploid,are diploid, cannot occur).

Mitosis consists of (one, several, two, three)cycles of phases,resulting in(two,one,several,four) cells; Meiosis consists of (one,several, two, three) cycles of phases resulting in(two,one,several,four) cells.

Different from Mitosis, Meiosis(isolates,recombines, justduplicates) each allele. In fertilization, allelesare(recombined,isolated).

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Keith Leannon
Keith LeannonLv2
28 Sep 2019
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