
1. Chemoreceptors detect an elevation in plasmaCO2concentration. Which of the following is the most likelyresponse?
a. No change in the rate ofrespiration b. Decreasesin the rate of respiration
c. Increases in the rate ofrespiration d. Noneof the above

2. Increasing thoracic volume will most likely results in
a. Expiration b.Inspiration c. No change in gasmovement

3. A 16 year-old female presents to the ER with a panic attach. Sheis tachypneic (fast respiratory rate). The initial arterial bloodgas would most likely demonstrate
a. normal pH, normal H+ b. low pH, normalH+
c. low pH, highH+ d. high pH, highH+ e. high pH, lowH+

4. Which of the following is most correct for acid-basedisturbance?
a. Respiratory acidosis may results from defect in ventilation andperfusion
b. Compensatory mechanism for respiratory acidosis ishypoventilation
c. Respiratory alkalosis results from hypercapnea
d. Compensatory mechanism for respiratory alkalosis ishyperventilation

5. Which of the following statements is most correct for therespiratory system?
a. Compliance is inversely proportional to the amount of surfactanton the alveolar surface
b. Alveolar surface tension is proportional to the amount ofsurfactant
c. Compliance is proportional to the surface tension
d. Alveolar ventilation is equal to the tidal volume corrected fordead space times the breathing frequency
e. All of the above

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Bunny Greenfelder
Bunny GreenfelderLv2
28 Sep 2019
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