
Start with a one-sentencehypothesis.

There are two differentspecies of single-cell organisms (each organism consists ofonly one cell) living in the same environment. The two areidentical except that the members of one species are four timeslarger than the other species. Suddenly their environment becomesdramatically worse: the nutrients that each species requires becomefar less abundant than before. Under this set of now-unfavorableconditions the numbers of individuals of the smaller single-cellspecies remained constant for quite a while before the populationbegan to decrease as the small-cell organisms died from starvation.In contrast, the larger single-cell organisms started to die verysoon after the change of environment and completely disappearedlong before the smaller ones disappeared. Explain this differencein response to a changed environment.

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Bunny Greenfelder
Bunny GreenfelderLv2
28 Sep 2019

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