
30. Microbe-Human Interactions.

a. Define pathogen, disease, normal flora. Under what conditions might a normal flora organism cause disease.

b. What parts of the body should stay absolutely sterile under normal circumstances.

c. How are Koch’s postulates used.

d. Define communicable, non-communicable, acute, chronic, endemic, epidemic, pandemic,

symptomatic, asymptomatic, and subclinical.

e. For a disease to be spread, there must be a reservoir, mode of transmission, and portal of entry.

f. For humans, what is the most significant reservoir.

g. Define : direct contact, droplet transmission, indirect contact, vehicle transmission, arthropod vectors

h. For a microorganism to cause disease, it typically must attach to host tissue, overcome the host defense, and cause tissue damage.What structures are used for attachment.What are some ways in which microorganisms overcome the host immune system.What distinguishes exotoxins from endotoxin.

31. Immune Defenses.

a. What are the major elements of the first, second, and third lines of defense.

b. What are the steps of phagocytosis and inflammation? What are the 3 complement pathways?

c. Which lines of defense are considered specific? Which are considered non-specific?

d. There are two major types of specific immunity, humoral and cell-mediated.

e. Humoral immunity involves B cells and antibodies. What are the major classes and activities of antibodies.

f. Cell mediated immunity involves T cells. What are 2 major types of T cells? What are their activities.

32. Staphylococcus aureus.

a. Gram positive cocci in grape-like clusters.

b. Skin infections (scalded skin syndrome, impetigo) (many other types of infection are also possible).

33. Streptococcus pyogenes.

a. Gram positive cocci in chains.

a. Strep throat, skin/wound infections (impetigo, necrotizing fasciitis “flesh eating disease”), scarlet fever (other types of infection are also possible)

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Collen Von
Collen VonLv2
28 Sep 2019
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