
force times distance

Question 48

Soccer (assuming field player) is a sport which is 90% aerobic.



Question 50

Glucose is necessary for fatty acid oxidation because...

its derivative, pyruvate, is condensated with carbonic acid to form oxaloacetate, which in turn is a necessary carbon compound in the citric acid cycle

it is needed to convert fatty acids to fatty acyl-CoA which in turn is oxidized to acetyl CoA

glucose is decarboxylated into cytochrome oxidase which is a necessary intermediate in the citric acid cycle

its derivative, acetyl CoA, is condensated with carbonic acid to form lactase, which in turn is a necessary carbon compound in the citric acid cycle

Question 51

In aerobic ATP production, the role of oxygen is to...

to keep the electron transport chain operational

to accept electrons from the 3rd cytochrome and thereby oxidizing it so it can accept new electrons

act as a oxidizing agent by accepting electrons from the electron transport chain and combining with hydrogen ions (protons)

all of the above

Question 52

The primary purpose of the citric acid cycle is...

aerobic glycolysis

gluconeogenesis using lactate

the decarboxylation of carbon compounds to produce NADH.

the shuttling of hydrogen ions through the inner mitochondrial membrane

Question 55

Which of the following is the best predictor of marathon running performance?


Maximal rate of pyruvate oxidation


Maximal rate of lactate formation


Amount of adipose tissue triglycerides


Pre-race blood glucose concentration

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Deanna Hettinger
Deanna HettingerLv2
28 Sep 2019

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