
Complete the four-part question.



If you have an organism in which the A allele is dominant to the a allele, a heterozygote will produce gametes of either A or a. This is what leads to two phenotypes among the offspring in an F2 cross (ie. Aa x Aa). In genetic terms this is called

a. dominant

b. recessive

c. segregation

d. independent assortment

e. none of the above


If you have an organism of genotype AaBb (A dominant to a, and B dominant to b), there will be 4 phenotypic classes among F2 progeny in a 9:3:3:1 ratio. In genetic terms this is an example of

a. dominant

b. recessive

c. segregation

d. independent assortment

e. none of the above


Which type of nuclear division produces diploid cells from diploid cells? Haploid cells from diploid cells?

a. fission, fusion

b. meiosis, mitosis

c. mitosis, meiosis

d. linkage, independent assortment

e. none of the above


If a pea plant shows a recessive phenotype

a. it can be either TT or Tt

b. it can be either Tt or tt

c. it can be only TT

d. it can only be tt

e. it can be TT, Tt ot tt

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Jean Keeling
Jean KeelingLv2
28 Sep 2019
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