
Which statement correctly describes the relationship between the two copies of chromosome 14 in your own somatic cells and the two copies of chromosome 14 that are present in the somatic cells of your parents?AnswerEach of my chromosome 14s is a combination of the chromosome 14s that are present in my mother and my father.My chromosome 14s are unlike either of my parents.One of my chromosome 14s is a combination of the two chromosome 14s that are present in my mother's somatic cells. My other chromosome 14 is a combination of the two chromosome 14s that are present in my father's somatic cells.One of my chromosome 14s is exactly alike to one of the chromosomes in the somatic cells of my mother. My other chromosome 14 is exactly alike to one of the chromosomes in the somatic cells of my father.

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Reid Wolff
Reid WolffLv2
28 Sep 2019
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