
Find the correct statement (may require you to draw pedigrees and Punnett squares) A) A father with A blood type and a mother with B blood type, will always produce
children that are AB
B) A person with ii alleles will produce red blood cell that contain glycolipids with
galactosamine and galactose sugars
C) A person with the A blood type can only give blood to an A or O individual
D) If an AB father conceives a child with an O mother, the children have a 50%-50%
chance of being either AB or O
E) Each person has three alleles of the blood type gene
F) The IA allele is codominant to the i allele
G) A person with a B blood type will produce antibodies against the A blood type antigen

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Sixta Kovacek
Sixta KovacekLv2
28 Sep 2019
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