
For each of the bacterial species described below, choose their phylum or class from these choices:
Actinobacteria, Firmicutes, Alpha-proteobacteria, Beta-proteobacteria, Gamma-proteobacteria, and Spirochetes

1. Neisseria gonorrhoeaeis a diplococcus that causes a sexually transmitted disease.
2. The sexually transmitted disease syphilis is caused by Treponema pallidum.

3.Epulopiscium fishelsoni is a huge (up to 600 microns long) bacterium that is found in fish intestines.

4.Rhizobium meliloti forms a nitrogen fixing symbiosis with alfalfa plants.

5.Escherichia coli is a glycolytic facultative anaerobe that lives in the colon but may cause bladder infections.

6.The antibiotic vancomycin is made by Streptomyces orientalis.

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Nelly Stracke
Nelly StrackeLv2
28 Sep 2019

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