
6. A true-breeding, purple-flowered, yellow pea plant (PPYY) is crossed to a white-flowered, green pea plant (ppyy). A. Write out the parental cross.

B. What gametes can be produced by each parent?

C. What is the genotype of the F1 generation? What is the Phenotype?

D. What are the possible gametes that can be produced from each plant F1 plant?

E. An F1 plant is allowed to self fertilize (F1 X F1). Draw a Punnet square to show the possible genotypes of the offspring in the F2 generation.

F. What phenotypes are possible in the F2 generation? What is the probability of getting each of the phenotypes in the F2 generation?

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Casey Durgan
Casey DurganLv2
28 Sep 2019
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