
You look at a different family that is asking about CEL disease. Having a mutated gene ce30 on chromosome 3 that is expressed results in CEL disease. The gene ce30 undergoes imprinting in the paternal lineage. A father, Alexander, does not have the disease but does have one copy of a mutated ce30 gene. The mother, Zenia, does not have the disease and does not have mutations in either copy of the ce30 gene. If Alexander and Zenia have a child, what is the likelihood that their child would have CEL disease? You look at a different family that is asking about CEL disease. Having a mutated gene ce30 on chromosome 3 that is expressed results in CEL disease. The gene ce30 undergoes imprinting in the paternal lineage. A father, Alexander, does not have the disease but does have one copy of a mutated ce30 gene. The mother, Zenia, does not have the disease and does not have mutations in either copy of the ce30 gene. If Alexander and Zenia have a child, what is the likelihood that their child would have CEL disease?

A. 50%

B. 100%

C. 25%

D. 0%

E. 75%

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Lelia Lubowitz
Lelia LubowitzLv2
28 Sep 2019

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