
1.Which of the following statements is most accurate regarding personality stability?

Because it has a biological basis in infant temperament, personality remains fairly stable throughout the life span.
Personality is mostly influenced by social roles and norms, so it is difficult to predict accurately.
People make many characteristic adaptations throughout life, which can cause substantial changes in personality over time.
Personality tends to be stable in adulthood but can be predicted only from about age 15 or older.


Research on the Rorschach inkblot test indicates that it:

reliably assesses id/ego/superego conflicts and specific psychological disorders related to these conflicts
does an excellent job of identifying specific psychological disorders
identifies many normal, healthy adults and children as psychologically disturbed

is the most reliable of the many projective tests in use


Research has shown that, in predicting the behavior of people we know, we:

are unable to perform above chance levels in our predictions
are less accurate in predicting their observable behavior than in predicting our own observable behavior
tend to predict that their behavior will be more negative than it actually is
are more accurate in predicting their observable behavior than in predicting our own observable behavior


Derrick feels that he deserves more than other people, and he often tries to manipulate people to get what he wants. Whenever someone challenges him, he gets very angry. Derrick likely:

has exceptionally high-esteem
has a collectivist perspective
has low self-esteem
is suffering from terror-management syndrome

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Hubert Koch
Hubert KochLv2
28 Sep 2019
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