
Microbiology Unit 2 Applied and Environmental Assignment Part 1:

Identify Nutritional requirements from Chapter 6 & 14 (and review from chapters 1 & 2)

1. Determine which of the 4 macromolecules require the following elements:

a. Carbon: carbohydrates___ lipids___ proteins___ nucleic acids___

b. Nitrogen: carbohydrates___ lipids___ proteins___ nucleic acids___

c. Sulfur: carbohydrates___ lipids___ proteins___ nucleic acids___

2. The essential elements mentioned above are cycled through cells and the earth in biogeochemical cycles like the carbon cycle, the nitrogen cycle, and the sulfur cycle. Select the correct answer and fill in the blanks to summarize these cycles:

a. Carbon dioxide is taken in from the atmosphere by [autotrophs/heterotrophs] and converted to glucose through carbon ________________. When heterotrophs eat autotrophs they catabolize glucose to make ATP through __________________ and waste carbon is released as ___________.

b. There is plenty of nitrogen available in the atmosphere but it is not accessible to organisms because it is in the form of Nitrogen gas (N2). N2 is fixed by [bacteria/plants/animals] and converted to ammonia (NH3.) NH3 can be used by [bacteria/plants/animals] to build their cells. Next, by consuming food with amino acids, [bacteria/plants/animals] can get access to nitrogen for their own cellular needs.

c. There is also a good quantity of sulfur in dirt, rocks, and the atmosphere. Sulfur cycles between H2S => S0 => SO4 => SH groups in Proteins => back to H2S. Using _________________ respiration, anoxygenic photosynthesis, and chemolithoautotrophy [bacteria/plants/animals] convert H2S and S0 to SO4 which is taken in by [bacteria/plants/animals] and used to build their cells. When [bacteria/plants/animals] eat plants they take in essential amino acids containing sulfur and recycle these to make their own proteins.

d. _________________ break down waste and dead organisms and recycle nutrients back into the cycles.

*The C and N are summarized here: https://youtu.be/2D7hZpIYlCA and https://youtu.be/leHy-Y_8nRs

3. Identify the main metabolic classifications:

A microbe that makes its own food by taking carbon from CO2 in the atmosphere and its energy from sunlight

A microbe that makes its own food by taking carbon from CO2 in the atmosphere and its energy from reduced inorganic chemicals

A microbe that eats other organisms to get organic carbon and energy

A microbe that uses organic carbon from others but energy from sunlight

Please help me with my microbiology assignment.

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28 Sep 2019
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