
1. How does the extracellular matrix affect a cell that it surrounds? (Select all that apply.)

The cell's shape depends in part on the structure and composition of the extracellular matrix.
The genes that the cell expresses depend in part on the types of proteins in the extracellular matrix.
The size that the cell grows to depends in part on the polysaccharides in the extracellular matrix.
The extracellular matrix has no effect on the cells that it surrounds.

All of these choices are correct.

2. Which of the following enable(s) the movement of cells?
intermediate filaments
microtubules and microfilaments
microfilaments and intermediate filaments
3. Microtubules increase in length:
more quickly at one end than the other.
by growing outward from the centrosome.
in cycles, following rapid depolymerization.
if free tubulin dimers are available.
All of these choices are correct.
4. Dynamic instability is the rapid assembly and disassembly of:
intermediate filaments.
both microfilaments and microtubules.
5. Which one of the following is a characteristic shared by integrins and cadherins?
Both are peripheral membrane proteins.
Both facilitate the adhesion of cells to extracellular matrix proteins.
Both are present in adherens junctions, desmosomes, and hemidesmosomes.
The cytoplasmic domains of both proteins are connected to the cytoskeleton.
6. Cadherin is an example of a(n):
motor protein.
intermediate filament protein.
cell adhesion molecule.
extracellular matrix protein.
7. Which is the CORRECT order from lesser to greater complexity for the following?
organs, tissues, cells
cells, tissues, organs
tissues, organs, cells
cells, organs, tissues

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Bunny Greenfelder
Bunny GreenfelderLv2
28 Sep 2019
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