
What are the differences between virulent and temperate bacteriophages? Select all that apply

Prophages that encode virulence factors are always temperate bacteriophages.

Temperate bacteriophages respond differently to healthy and unhealthy host cells.

Only temperate bacteriophage genomes are inherited by bacterial cell division.

Only temperate bacteriophages are capable of lysogeny.

Virulent bacteriophages infect humans as well as bacteria.

Specialized transduction is only performed by temperate bacteriophages.

Generalized transduction is only performed by virulent bacteriophages.

Prophages that encode virulence factors are always virulent bacteriophages.

Only virulent bacteriophages are capable of the lytic cycle.

A representative virulent bacteriophage is T4; a representative temperate bacteriophage is λ.

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Jamar Ferry
Jamar FerryLv2
28 Sep 2019

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