
(a) Mitochondria (b) Endoplasmic reticulum (c) Nucleus (d) Lysosome (e) Endosome (f) Peroxisome (g) Golgi apparatus

_____ quality control of mRNA

_____ location of oxidative phosphorylation

_____ responsible for detoxifying organic molecules (liver cells)

_____ houses and protects genetic material

_____ responsible for modification and sorting of proteins and lipids

_____ location of ATP synthesis

_____ responsible for sorting endocytosed materials

_____ site of degradation and digestion

_____ responsible for oxidizing toxic molecules

_____ location of lipid synthesis

_____ location of hormone synthesis (adrenal cells)

B. Which organelle(s) from the above list communicate(s) with other organelle(s) through the use of vesicular transport? ________________

C. Which organelle(s) from the above list receive proteins made in the cytosol?___________________

D. Through which organelle(s) must proteins pass to reach the organelle(s) which do not receive proteins made exclusively in the cytosol?______________

E. Entrance into which organelle(s) requires that proteins unfold and snake through the membrane? _________________

F. How do organelles maintain their position in the cytosol? Be specific.

G. Give 2 advantages that eukaryotic cells gain by having organelles.

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Reid Wolff
Reid WolffLv2
28 Sep 2019
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