
Could you help me out with question b? Please provide explanation as well.

7. a. Explain why the typical calico cat is a female with individual patches of orange and black fur. (Be sure to account for the mosaic phenotype.)

Answer: Calico cat has two patches of orange and black fur due to the alleles being present in the X chromosomes. As the female has XX chromosomes, they are able to present both colours. In detail, this is due to X chromosome inactivation. The X chromosome bearing the orange allele is activated when the black allele is inactivated and the black allele is activated when the orange allele is inactivated. The heterozygous female that has both alleles associated with the X chromosome shows mosaic pattern because X chromosome containing orange allele is activated and black allele is activated.

b. What is the underlying process an example of and what does it accomplish in terms of gene expression (i.e., why is it important to the cell/organism)? Answer:

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Deanna Hettinger
Deanna HettingerLv2
28 Sep 2019

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