
Which of the following statements best explains the process of allopatric speciation?

Genetic differences accumulate between populations that are isolated by a geographic barrier, eventually leading to reproductive isolation.
Genetic differences accumulate through recombination between populations that are interbreeding, eventually leading to reproductive isolation.
Genetic differences accumulate in a population through selective mate choice, leading to two groups that breed independently, causing reproductive isolation.
Two populations in the same geographical area accumulate genetic differences by random chance, eventually leading to reproductive isolation.

Genetic changes within a population as the result of genetic drift influences traits involved with mate choice, eventually leading to reproductive isolation.

What is the basic difference between allopatric and sympatric modes of speciation?

Sympatric speciation takes place between populations that migrate away from each other.
Sympatric speciation takes place between populations in the same geographic area.
Allopatric speciation takes place between populations in the same geographic area.
Sympatric speciation takes place over long periods of time; allopatric speciation occurs within a single generation.
Allopatric speciation is thought to occur much less frequently than sympatric speciation.

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Sixta Kovacek
Sixta KovacekLv2
28 Sep 2019
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