
If the diploid chromosome number is 12, each cell has as 6 x 10 -6 grms of DNA, how many chromosomes, chromatids and DNA would you find in the following stages of cell division of a cell. (Assume cytokinesis after anaphase)

Stage of Cell Division

# of Chromosomes

# of chromatids

Amount of DNA

Prophase of mitosis

Prophase of meiosis I

Metaphase of mitosis

Anaphase of mitosis

Metaphase of meiosis I

Anaphase of meiosis I

Telophase of mitosis

Telophase of meiosis I

Metaphase of meiosis II

Telophase of meiosis II

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Sixta Kovacek
Sixta KovacekLv2
28 Sep 2019
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