
7 questions could use some help on for Molecular Biology. Pleasehelp. Just answers will do (I'll figure out), but wouldn't mindexplanations. If answered correctly 5 star guarantee & goodattempt definite 'best answer'. Thanks!


Which of the following cytoskeletal components is thelargest?

  1. Microtubules

  2. Microfilaments (actin)

  3. Intermediate filaments


During mitosis, all microtubules emanate from the centrosome.Therefore, the centrosome is an example of:

  1. a microtubule organizing center (MTOC)

  2. A +TIP protein

  3. A catastrophin

  4. A monomer sequestering protein


Tubulin is a G-protein. It can stabilize microtubules when boundto which of the following?

  1. GDP

  2. GTP

  3. Either GTP or GDP

  4. Neither GTP nor GDP


In the formation of microtubules, dimers are built when analpha-tubulin protein binds to a beta-tubulin protein. This is anexample of what level of protein structure?

  1. Primary structure

  2. Secondary structure

  3. Tertiary structure

  4. Quartenary structure


Different tissues in the body express slightly differentversions of alpha tubulin. Which of the following could lead toslightly different alpha-tubulin molecules with a modified proteinsequence?

  1. One tissue has more DNA methylation upstream of thealpha-tubulin gene.

  2. One tissue has more miRNAs produced than the other.

  3. One tissue uses different splice sites than the other.

  4. One tissue has different trans-elements than the other.


  1. How is confocal microscopy different from traditionalfluorescent microscopy?

  2. The molecules are labelled red instead of green.

  3. The molecules are observed over time.

  4. The molecules are observed in many thin planes, which are thenstacked together to create a crisper image.

  5. The confocal microscope has higher objective power than regularfluorescent microscopes.


Taxol is a chemotherapy drug that permanently stabilizesmicrotubules and prevents their degradation. Describe howmicrotubules are typically destroyed and why permanentstabilization would kill dividing cells. Note: you may need toreview the basics of cell mitosis from a previous course.

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Keith Leannon
Keith LeannonLv2
28 Sep 2019

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