
Questions 4-6. Sickle cell disease:
Sickle cell disease (sickle cell anemia) is a relatively common disorder in individuals of

African descent and affects approximately 1 in 500 African-Americans. Due to a mutation in an autosomal gene for hemoglobin, the homozygous recessive genotype leads to red blood cells that are relatively stiff and sticky, and deform into a sickle shape as they lose oxygen. This leads to problems in the spleen, and anemia.

There are hundreds of different hemoglobin alleles. Individuals heterozygous for the sickle cell allele and one non-sickle cell allele usually do not experience major complications or even noticeable symptoms. A genetic test is available to diagnose carriers.

James does not have sickle cell disease, neither does his mother or father, but his sister does. His wife Natasha does not have sickle cell disease, and neither of her parents does either. Natasha also has a sister who has sickle cell anemia and two brothers without the disease.

5.) If James and Natasha have a child, what is the probability that the child would be a homozygote for the recessive allele and have sickle cell disease? You may draw the Punnet square but please solve the problem using probability calculations, then explain your reasoning in 2-5 complete sentences.

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Bunny Greenfelder
Bunny GreenfelderLv2
29 Sep 2019
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