uestion 4 Fifteen hundred adult men who worked for Lockheed aircraft were initially examined in 1977 and were classified by diagnostic criteria for COPD. Every 5 years they have been reexamined for new cases of the disease
Cross-sectional study
Prospective cohort study
Case control study
Retrospective cohort study
Clinical trial 0 points
Question 5 Women were randomly selected from the 1989 US census and examined for osteoporosis. They women who already had osteoporosis were removed from the study, while the remaining were randomly assigned to an exercise group or a non-exercise group. They followed both groups and examined them twice a year.
Cross-sectional study
Prospective cohort study
Case control study
Retrospective cohort study
Clinical trial
uestion 4 Fifteen hundred adult men who worked for Lockheed aircraft were initially examined in 1977 and were classified by diagnostic criteria for COPD. Every 5 years they have been reexamined for new cases of the disease
Cross-sectional study
Prospective cohort study
Case control study
Retrospective cohort study
Clinical trial 0 points
Question 5 Women were randomly selected from the 1989 US census and examined for osteoporosis. They women who already had osteoporosis were removed from the study, while the remaining were randomly assigned to an exercise group or a non-exercise group. They followed both groups and examined them twice a year.
Cross-sectional study
Prospective cohort study
Case control study
Retrospective cohort study
Clinical trial
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