2 Apr 2019

This part of the activity focuses on some of the key methods that have been useful in protecting endangered species and protecting biodiversity, including hunting and fishing regulations, creating parks and refuges, the Endangered Species Act, and recovery plans that aim to protect the habitat of rare or endangered species. As an example, there are many rare and unique species of both plants and animals in New Zealand. Nearly 1,000 years ago, though, colonists to the area introduced rats and other invasive species of plants and animals that began to harm the native ecosystems. At Kapiti Island, a recovery plan created a wildlife refuge, eliminated the non-native species such as goats, pigs, rats, and dogs and brought back native plants and animals such as the Kiwi bird. Instructions Review the Case Study at the beginning of Chapter 11, entitled “How Can We Save Spotted Owls?” and Section 11.1, entitled “Biodiversity and the Species Concept” and Section 11.2, entitled “What Threatens Biodiversity?” Spotted owl populations have suffered from habitat destruction, while native species in New Zealand have suffered from invasive species; these are two types of threat to biodiversity. Consider other threats as put forth in Chapter 10, as well as the implications of biodiversity loss for humans. Open Google Earth, and in the search box enter: Kapiti Island, Wellington, NZ. Click Search. 1. How big is Kapiti Island? Zoom way in and explore the island some. What evidence is there that this island is being preserved as a natural area?

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Irving Heathcote
Irving HeathcoteLv2
4 Apr 2019

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