17 Mar 2019

In your experiments, under default conditions, the cyanobacteria population initially grew faster than the green algae population, but cyanobacteria were ultimately outcompeted by green algae. Assuming that phosphorus is required for reproduction, which of the tradeoffs below did this outcome reflect?

a.Cyanobacteria are more efficient at taking up nutrients when phosphorus concentrations are low, but less efficient when phosphorus concentrations are high.

b.Green algae are more efficient at taking up nutrients when phosphorus concentrations are low, but less efficient when phosphorus concentrations are high.

c.Cyanobacteria are efficient at taking up nutrients when phosphorus concentrations are low, but they have a high R*.

d.Green algae are efficient at taking up nutrients when phosphorus concentrations are low, but they have a high R*.

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Hubert Koch
Hubert KochLv2
19 Mar 2019

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