6 Feb 2019

5. Chemical factors that increase blood pressure include: A endothelin B. NO C. ADH D. ANP

6. A stroke that occludes a posterior cerebral artery will most likely affect: A hearing B. vision C. smell D. higher thought processes

7. The deep femoral and the deep brachial veins drain the: A biceps brachii and hamstring muscles B. flexor muscles in the hand and leg C. quadriceps femoris and triceps brachii muscles D. intercostal muscles of the thorax

8. Vessels involved in the circulatory pathway to and from the brain are the: A brachiocephalic artery B. subclavian artery C. internal jugular vein D. internal carotid artery

9. Based on the vessels named pulmonary trunk, thyrocervical trunk, and celiac trunk, the term trunk must refer to a: A vessel in a heart wall B. vein C. capillary D. large artery from which other arteries branch

10. Collateral circulation occurs in the: A joint capsules B. cerebrum C. kidney D. myocardium

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Keith Leannon
Keith LeannonLv2
7 Feb 2019
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