10 Mar 2018

1. Late stage succession communities typically: a) contain more equilibrial than opportunistic species b) are more diverse than disturbed communities c) are more diverse than early stage succession commmunities d) contain more opportunistic species than equilibrial species e) suffer higher rates of disturbance

2. Phenotypic plasticity is when: a) Organisms adapt their genotype to the local environment b) Individuals with different phenotypes show plasticity in their size c) Organisms with different genotype express different phenotypes in the same environment d) Plasticity in the environment causes different genotypes to survive leading to different phenotypes e) Organisms express different phenotypes depending on the local environment but have the same genotype

3. Terrestrial areas that are saturated with water, either permanently or seasonally, are typically known as what type of ecosystem. f) Grasslands g) Heathlands h) Litholands i) Wetlands j) Littoral

4. Briefly explain two ways that excess climate gas emissions are changing the world’s physical environment

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Bunny Greenfelder
Bunny GreenfelderLv2
12 Mar 2018
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