For Post 1 you should:
Find a relevant article or other information source (one that has not already been cited in your group Discussion)
Summarize a key point from this article/source.
Include a statement that specifically describes how this point is relevant to your question.
Pose one question that arises from reading the selected article that will stimulate discussion within your team.
Cite your reference in proper format (Links to an external site.) (AMA Style).
Remember that your ultimate goal is to review the Kenmore project and to determine whether there any significant concerns about feeding cattle:
a recombinant organism (that harbors an antibiotic resistance gene)
antibiotics (needed to maintain the MMO expression vector in coli)
And also remember that your Discussion Team is concerned specifically with the question:
FOR CONSUMERS OF MILK AND MEAT, what are the benefits/risks associated with the addition of antibiotics and genetically modified E. coli to cattle feed?
For Post 1 you should:
Find a relevant article or other information source (one that has not already been cited in your group Discussion)
Summarize a key point from this article/source.
Include a statement that specifically describes how this point is relevant to your question.
Pose one question that arises from reading the selected article that will stimulate discussion within your team.
Cite your reference in proper format (Links to an external site.) (AMA Style).
Remember that your ultimate goal is to review the Kenmore project and to determine whether there any significant concerns about feeding cattle:
a recombinant organism (that harbors an antibiotic resistance gene)
antibiotics (needed to maintain the MMO expression vector in coli)
And also remember that your Discussion Team is concerned specifically with the question:
FOR CONSUMERS OF MILK AND MEAT, what are the benefits/risks associated with the addition of antibiotics and genetically modified E. coli to cattle feed?