13 Aug 2018

The glucose used by the neurons for ATP production comes from:

a) Nutrients absorbed from digestion and glucose produced by the liver.

b)The breakdown of fat in adipose tissue and glycogen in muscle tissue.

c)Only Nutrients absorbed from digestion.

d)Only gluconeogenesis in the liver.

What can receptors detect?

a)Loss of homeostasis

b)Loss of homeostasis and a return to homeostasis.

c) A return to homeostasis.

d)Need for medical attention.

Which of the following is not a role of the skeletal system in maintenance of homeostasis?

a) Calcium Storage

b) Protection

c) Support

d) Phosphorous storage

What controls blood pressure in your body?

a) The hypothalamus

b) pituitary gland.

c) medulla oblongata

d) all of the above

What increases blood pressure?

a) Decreased heart rate.

b) Decreased blood vessel resistance

c) Increased blood volume

d) all of the above

What ends a hormonal response to increase blood pressure?

a) Low blood pressure

b) High blood pressure

c) A return to homeostasis.

d) Low blood pressure and a return to homeostasis.

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Keith Leannon
Keith LeannonLv2
16 Aug 2018
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