28 Mar 2018

1. Introductory sentence explaining the topic area

2. Main aim and hypothesis being tested

3. General methods used

4. Results obtained

5. Conclusion

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The study of Osteogenesis Imperfecta and what causes it is important and the diagnosis of it is very important especially to those who may be affected by the illness. The diagnosis is what we are focusing on, the illness is caused by most commonly caused by the mutation in the collagen genes, specifically α1 collagen. This leads us to try to find this illness in a young boy, called Alexander Brown. We are trying to find out if this young boy has the illness commonly known as brittle bone disease, and we do this by extracting the collagen from normal un-affected cells and Alexanders cells, purifying the collagen and then running it through a Sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) to separate out the various sizes of proteins left in the collagen. After running this SDS-PAGE we were able to compare the unaffected patterns of size to the cells collected from Alexander Brown however there can be no firm conclusions drawn from these results, the image taken of the SDS PAGE was blurred and pixelated as well as being very blue.

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Jean Keeling
Jean KeelingLv2
31 Mar 2018

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