8 Jun 2019

Classifying people based on skin color is

a old tradition that is no longer practiced
the only method available to us to classify humans
a scientific practice that avoids cultural influences
at best arbitrary and at worst the cause of discrimination

Dark skin is found in populations near the equator. Why?

it protects from frostbite
it promotes vitamin A synthesis
it helps prevent rickets
it protects from overexposure to ultraviolet radiation

Forensic anthropologists must deal with the race concept because they are asked by law enforcement agencies to identify an individual’s race from skeletal remains.



can be accurately measured by IQ tests
is a Mendelian trait
is the result of both genetic and environmental factors
is determined solely by genetic factors


is almost impossible to measure accurately
varies between groups only
and intelligence are the same thing
is useful for making racial distinctions

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Lelia Lubowitz
Lelia LubowitzLv2
10 Jun 2019
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