30 Aug 2018

1.) This summer, there was a surge in the number of albino children killed for their body parts in the African country of Malawi (yes, it's bizarre but sadly true: http://goo.gl/8o0imm and http://goo.gl/DK0r8M). Albinism in humans is inherited as a simple recessive trait. Assuming that two non-albino (normal) parents have five children, four of which are normal and one of which is albino, which of the following statements is true? Select all that apply (you must select all correct answers to get credit). Assume that 'A' indicates the non-albino allele and 'a' indicates the albino allele.

Multiple answers:You can select more than one option

A)The 4 normal children are heterozygous Aa

B)At least one of the normal siblings must be homozygous AA

C)The frequency of albino children is as expected for Mendelian inheritance

D)One of the parents cannot be Aa

E)One third of the normal children expected to be AA while the others Aa


Albinism in humans is inherited as a simple recessive trait. Assuming that a normal male and an albino female have 6 children, all normal, which of the following statements is true? Select all that apply (you must select all correct answers to get credit).

Multiple answers:You can select more than one option

A)The father could be heterzygous for the trait

B)The probability that all the children are heterozygous for the trait is (1/2)^5 = 1/32

C)The father cannot be Aa

D)The children should all be heterozygous for the trait

E)One would expect about 2/3 of the normal children to be Aa

F)The father must be AA


Given an albino male mating with a normal female to produce 3 normal children and 3 albino children, which of the following of Mendel's postulates are not being demonstrated by this particular scenario? Select all that apply (to get credit, all your choices must be correct).

Multiple answers:You can select more than one option

A)Postulate of segregation

B)Postulate of dominance

C)Postulate of independent assortment

D)Postulate of unit factors


Consider the cross: Ee ff Gg HH x Ee Ff gg HH (assume these are designations for genes that are inherited in a Mendelian fashion). What is the probability that a single offspring from this cross would be genotypically: ee Ff Gg HH or Ee ff gg HH?











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Bunny Greenfelder
Bunny GreenfelderLv2
31 Aug 2018

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