10 Mar 2018

1 DNA sequences found in introns provide [A] amino acid sequence information.

[B] regulatory information.
[C] no known useful information.

[D] structure for the gene.
[E] alternative DNA splicing possibilities.

3. The TATA box is a(n)
[A] sequence close to the promoter region of many genes.
[B] square-shaped sequence.
[C] enhancer consensus sequence.
[D] activator sequence necessary for proper translation.
[E] None of the above

5. Regarding genes and gene expression, which of the following is not a difference between prokaryotes and eukaryotes
[A] Eukaryotic DNA does not contain a TATA box close to the initiation site as does prokaryotic DNA.

[B] In eukaryotes, RNA polymerase requires

'transcription factors'or initiation.

[C] Prokaryotic genes are often grouped together in


[D] In eukaryotes, the regulation of several genes at once requires common control elements in each of the genes.
[E] There is a diversity of eukaryotic polymerases that is reflected in the diversity of eukaryotic promoters.

10) In eukaryotic cells, a repressor

[A] is made of DNA.
[B] binds to the enhancer region to block transcription. [

C] is located both upstream and downstream from the promoter.
[D] binds to the operator to block RNA polymerase.

[E] binds to a silencer to reduce transcription rates.

Coordinated regulation of genes in eukaryotic cells [A] is the result of positioning the same regulatory sequence in front of each gene.
[B] results from all of those genes being under the control of one promoter.

[C] occurs because related genes all have the same

[D] occurs because enhancers cause DNA to bend.

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Elin Hessel
Elin HesselLv2
13 Mar 2018
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