25 Apr 2018

26. How many NET ATP’s can be obtained from THREE (3) molecules of glucose via (only) GLYCOLYSIS under the following conditions:

a. anaerobic conditions:


b. aerobic conditions:


27. Under aerobic conditions (glycolysis, the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, and the citric acid cycle), how many ATP’s can be obtained from TWO (2) molecules of glucose via:

a. substrate level phosphorylation:


b. oxidative phosphorylation:


c. net ATP production:


28. When completely oxidized, how many Acetyl CoA’s will be produced from a 12-CARBON fatty acid chain?


29. How many cycles of β-oxidation will there be to completely oxidize a 12-CARBON fatty acid chain to Acetyl-CoA’s?


30. How many ATP’s can be obtained from the oxidation of a 12-CARBON fatty acid via: (aerobic conditions)

a. β-oxidation:


b. the citric acid cycle:


c. What is the net production of ATP’s?


31. How many ATP’s can be obtained from the oxidation of a ten (10) carbon fatty acid? Include the ATP’s produced via the following: (aerobic conditions)

a. substrate level phosphorylation:


b. oxidative phosphorylation:


c. net ATP production:


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Bunny Greenfelder
Bunny GreenfelderLv2
26 Apr 2018

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