28 Jan 2018

Q49.What is the primary effect of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) on the host?

A Triggers an intense inflammatory response

B Attacks cells of the immune system.

C Acts as a neurotoxin

D Causes diarrhea

E Lyses epithelial cells

Q64 Which of the following are the peripheral lymphoid organs:

A bone marrow

B thymus

C Mucosal and cutaneous lymphoid tissues

D Spleen

Q69 In PCR, a 15-30 base pair long oligonucleotide, which helps to flank the 5' and 3' end of a gene segment of interest is called:

A DNA polymerase

B Template DNA strand

C Thermophilus aquaticus

D Primer

Q71 Sequence length is _____________ proportional to the number of sequencing errors.

A not

B inversely

C directly

Q72 The Sanger method of sequencing uses ALL of the following EXCEPT:

A dideoxynucleotides

B deoxynucleotides

C restriction enzymes

D DNA polymerase

E a short oligo primer

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Patrina Schowalter
Patrina SchowalterLv2
30 Jan 2018
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