31 May 2018

Q.In the non-9:3:3:1 ratio dihybrid cross below, there are 3 classes of phenotypes: white, pink, red which of the following is NOT true?

9 A_B_ white

3 A_bb pink

3 aaB_ red

1 aabb red

a.) phenotype is dependent on the genotype of gene B

b.) This is an example of recessive episasis

c.) aa is epistatic to B_, and bb

d.) phenotype is dependent on the genotype of gene A

Q,When choosing a selectable marker, you...

a.) choose a enhancer for your gene of interest

b.) choose a rescue gene to save your gene of interest

c.) choose a resistant gene that will allow for colony screening

d.) choose a gene that encodes for DNA replication

Q.The following steps detail an experiment resulting in transgenic mice with a knockout gene for fur color. Recall that agouti (brown) mice are A/A;M/M and black fur coats are a/a;M/M . List the steps in their correct chronological order.

1.Inject transformed agouti embryotic cells into an a/a;M/M embryo to produce A/A;M/m and a/a;M/M altered embryo

2.Self-cross hemizygous mice to produce homozygous transgenic mice (A/-;M/m)

3.Create a a targeting vector containing tk+ for ganciclovir sensitivity, neoR for neomycin resistance, and the gene encoding fur color.

4.Observe mice with chimeric phenotype and cross them with black a/a;M/M mice to produce transgenic hemizygous progeny (A/a;M/m)

5.Isolate all transformed embryonic stem cells that show homologous recombination and inject them into a embryonic stem cells of an agouti mouse.

a.) 3,5,4,1,2

b.) 1,5,3,4,2

c.) 3,5,1,4,2

d.) 5,3,2,4,2

If dog 1 has is black with alleles (A_B_) , and dog 2 is brown with (aaB_), and dog 3 is yellow with (_ _bb) alleles, what kind of epistasis is this and what color would dog 4 be if he was (AAbb).

1. Recessive epistasis, Yellow

2. Recessive epistasis, Black

3. Dominant epistasis, Yellow

4. Dominant epistasis, Black

A gene interaction in which pair of recessive genes at one locus prevents expression of dominant allele at another locus called

a. incomplete dominance

b. epistatis

c. complete dominance

d. polygenic inheritance

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Elin Hessel
Elin HesselLv2
31 May 2018
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