26 Aug 2019

41. Water activity refers to _______________________ and is very important in the field of ______________ _______________.
42. Water activity is inversely proportional to __________ _____________.
43. The optimal water activity for most bacteria is __________.
44. The ______ phase of the bacterial growth curve where there is greater metabolic activity.
45. We say that the growth in bacteria is exponential because ___________________ ________________________.
46. ​​Transition periods in the growth curve refer to the time ___________ ________________________ and are due to ____________ in ___________________.
47. The phase of the growth curve where there is great metabolic activity, but there is no
significant growth is the ________________.
48. The only techniques that determine viable growth are based on ____________________.
49. The Petroff-Hausser camera is used to make ____________________________________.
50. The turbidimetry method uses a ______________________ and is used to determine bacterial growth indirectly and is a method for ______________________.

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Sixta Kovacek
Sixta KovacekLv2
26 Aug 2019
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