20 Dec 2018


Which of the following statements is true about the theory of evolution?

The focus of the theory of evolution is to explain the origins of life.

According to the theory of evolution, life evolved entirely randomly.

The focus of the theory of evolution is to explain how life diversified from the first living cells.

According the theory of evolution, only the strongest and toughest can survive.


Which of the following best explains our current understanding of microevolution?

Neither microevolution nor macroevolution can be observed within a human lifespan?

Microevolution is the gradual change of the genetic makeup (allele frequency) of a population over time.

Microevolution and macroevolution occur by very different mechanisms

Microevolution is the evolution of small organisms; macroevolution is the evolution of large organisms.


The Irish elk is a giant species of deer that went extinct about 5,000 B.C. They are well-known for their extremely large antlers (12 feet wide) in males. The antlers likely played some role in protection against predators, but another possible cause for their large size could be

blending genetics

sexual selection

spontaneous generation

inheritance of acquired characteristics


Cross River gorilla is listed as critically endangered species. With only 35 of these gorillas in the world, they are at risk of extinction largely due to poaching and loss to diseases such as Ebola. Genetic studies of the remaining gorillas show very little variability, because several alleles were likely lost due to ______.

genetic drift

gene flow

increased rate of spontaneous mutations

adaptive radiation

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Trinidad Tremblay
Trinidad TremblayLv2
21 Dec 2018

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