9 Sep 2018

Assume ionic concentrations in the nervous system of:

[K]o = 4 mM

[K]i= 155 mM

[Na]o= 145 mM

[Na]i= 12 mM

4. If the resting membrane of a neuron could only conduct Na, would the resting membrane potential (RMP) be the same as, or different from ENa? Why? [2]

5. Calculate what the RMP would be for a neuron only permeable to Na. Does this ever occur in the nervous system? Explain your answer.

6. Explain in your own words why the membrane potential of a neuron is a negative value and always lies closer to EK than to ENa? [4]

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Patrina Schowalter
Patrina SchowalterLv2
10 Sep 2018

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