31 Dec 2018

Mark is on his college's football team. His goal is to gain 20 pounds by the time football season starts. His coach did an analysis of Mark's diet and found that he is eating 40% of his calories from protein. The coach discusses this with Mark and finds out that in addition to eating regular foods, Mark has purchased amino acid supplements. He advises Mark that his consumption of protein is too high but Mark insists eating all this protein will make his muscles grow bigger faster.

Question 1: Too many protein-rich foods can displace other important foods from the diet. Which vitamins are generally lacking in a protein-rich diet?

Question 2: What are 4 potential health risks associated with the overconsumption of protein?

Question 3: If Mark is building protein, what type of nitrogen balance would this be?

Question 4: Is there any evidence that taking amino acid supplements will help increase muscle mass?

Question 5: How will you respond if Mark asks you, “What is the best way to build muscle tissue?”

Question 6: What is the fate of the excess protein Mark is consuming?

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Deanna Hettinger
Deanna HettingerLv2
1 Jan 2019

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