19 Apr 2019

Dendritic cells can act as ______________ that signal the presence of infection. These cells can also be infected with virus. If the NK cells outnumber the infected dendritic cells, the NK cell will __________ the infected dendritic cells. This means that the __________ immunity triumphs over the viral infection.

If the infected dendritic cells outnumber the NK cells, they will mature into a form which goes to the ______ ______ ______ (3 words) where they will activate __ cells and initiate the __________ immunity.

Macrophages and NK cells act synergistically to mutually activate one another to fight off virus infections. Macrophages produce the chemokine _____________ to attract NK cells. They also produce the cytokines _________ and __________ to activate NK cells through the NK synapse. NK cell in turn produces _________, a type II interferon that activates macrophages to increase phagocytosis and produce more cytokines.

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Trinidad Tremblay
Trinidad TremblayLv2
21 Apr 2019

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