Homework Help for Business

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Business is concerned with the study of organizations, entities or commercial activity that involves selling goods or services for a profit.

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in Business·
17 May 2023

How have smartphone cases become an inseparable part of our lives?


Smartphone cases have become an inseparable part of our lives for many reasons. In the past, phone cases were considered optional accessories 

Like Mobile phone cases, now they are a necessity for most smartphone users. We will discuss why smartphone cases have become an essential part of our lives.

  1. Protection: The primary reason for using a smartphone case is protection. Our phones are vulnerable to scratches, drops, and other damages that can affect their functionality and appearance. A smartphone case provides a layer of protection to the phone, preventing damage and extending its lifespan.
  2. Personalization: Smartphone cases allow us to personalise our phones and express our individuality. Cases come in various designs, colours, and materials, allowing users to choose one that matches their style and personality. Some cases even have customisable features that enable users to create a unique design.
  3. Branding: Many people use smartphone cases as a branding tool. Companies can create custom phone cases with their logo or slogan, making them ideal for promotional giveaways or corporate gifts.
  4. Functionality: Some smartphone cases offer additional functionality, such as battery cases that provide extra power or wallet cases that hold credit cards and cash. These cases make our lives easier by providing extra features and eliminating the need to carry multiple accessories.
  5. Trend: Smartphone cases have become a trend, and many people use them to keep up with the latest fashion. Social media platforms such as Instagram and Pinterest are flooded with pictures of trendy phone cases, inspiring people to buy new cases to stay on trend.


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