10 Nov 2019

A magnetic field, B,is given as a function of the distance, r,from the center of a wire as follows.

(a) Sketch a graph of B against r.

What is the meaning of the constant B0?

1) Theconstant B0 is thevalue of B atr =r0 andthe minimum value of B.

2)Theconstant B0 isalways exactly equal to the value of r0 and isthe maximum value of B.

3)Theconstant B0 is thevalue of B atr =r0 andthe maximum value of B.

4)Theconstant B0 isalways exactly equal to the value of r0 and isthe minimum value of B.

5)Theconstant B0 is thevalue of B whenr >r0 andindicates the end behavior of B.

(b) Is B continuous at r =r0? Give reasons.

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Beverley Smith
Beverley SmithLv2
27 Apr 2019

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