
1. Name the four main classes of biochemicals.

2. _____________which are also called sugars are used as________________ living systems.

3. The simplest sugars are called _____________________ and containan ____________________ group on an _______________________ ring oran ______________ or _______________ chain.

4. Blood sugar is a sugar chemically known as________________.

5. The sugar which we call table sugar is know chemically as__________ and is a member of the family of sugars called_____________________ because it contains two monosaccharidemolecules.

6. The carbohydrate found in bread which serves as a source ofglucose is called __________ and is a member of the family ofsugars called __________ because it contains many monosaccharidemolecules.

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Jamar Ferry
Jamar FerryLv2
28 Sep 2019

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